Thursday 29 April 2010

Colour ranges

For me as a designer i think colour is one of the most important tools that we have, it can completely change the mood of something, or change the meaning or change the range. 
These are two examples from element design that use colour to show a range and shows the feel of the products.

This Columbus beer has shown the different range of beer/ale that they sell through colour, but they haven't gone for the average colours, i think the colour here tells us that the beers they are selling are not the average joe. In this range there is apricot beer, pale ale and Scottish ale. They are also limited ranges and i think the packaging dose show this more than average product.

The colours also go together as a full range as well as working on their own, and this is really important, the range has to sit comfortably together.

This is a brand of ice cream called 'Jenis' the whole identity her business keeps with a very friendly feel. looking at the design, the pale colours you can tell that this ice cream is hand made probably all made on site with some exciting new flavours and not a mister whippy style brand.

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