Wednesday 29 September 2010

The InteRail pack

So over the summer i used InteRail to travel around Europe, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Its a very organised company but their printed material for their customers is poorly designed. All three books are different size width and lengths and they don't work together. 2 are portrait and the last is landscape.  There is no reason why these cant work together.

The leaflets are designed with a bold red and a bright green which i personally don't like and think it makes it look cheap. I want to make these documents look more of a set and look stylised for its travellers.

The three printed leaflets you get once you have bought your ticket are:
1. A map of Europe. This has all the train lines on and was actually very useful but its a bit overwhelming. We wanted to be writing on it and drawing our travel routes on it but its so full of colour and big red lines anyway that it did help if we drew on it.

2. A Travel Guide. This is a book on the pass and how to use it and useful numbers and sites for each country. The book is a mish mash of colours and is a bland layout that doesn't consider the body copy very well as it cuts of sentences of half way thorough to place an image!

3. InteRail Pass. This holds the pass itself and a survey form to send back to the InteRail company after travelling.

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